Salt & Sundry

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Ask any woman in DC to provide some recommendations for her favorite shops in DC, and Salt & Sundry is likely going to top that list. Read on to learn about one of my favorite shops in the city!


I visit this shop at least once a season - when I do, I try to keep my cards tucked far, far away when I go inside, but I love to scope out their tactics for visual merchandising which seem to be constantly rotating every few weeks. My favorite part about the shop is that they’ve achieved this maximalist minimalism - they don’t shy away from color at all, but all of the corners, nooks, and crannies of the shop are curated and allow the products and their stories to shine. As someone who is currently, and constantly, purging her belongings to achieve that maximalist minimalism in her own home, Salt & Sundry is a place that always provides inspiration and motivation.

Salt & Sundry has an additional location in Union Market, as well as a spot called Little Leaf on 14th Street that specializes in succulents and plants. They recently opened a bespoke event space called The Sun Room in Northeast that I am very excited to see in person. Also, check out this Washingtonian article that shares details and photos of the owner’s apartment in DC!

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